May 31, 2002
The changing pay-per-click scene...With the advent of Google's Adwords and Overture changing the relevancy rules for submission of new keywords, the new pay-per-click search scene can be difficult to keep up with. Will you now have the added problem of fighting to convince an editor that your keywords are relevant? Find out more...
May 30, 2002
The Search Engine Spam Police...Shari Thurow, Guest Writer for Search Engine Watch gives a quick insight (and a few quotes) on what some of the major search engine directory bosses consider spamming their directories consists of. The details are taken from one of the Search Engine Strategies recent conference's hosted by Danny Sullivan. The well known conference is coming to Syndey in June and the editor of will be there finding out the latest gossip and tips in the search engine world. Look out for a detailed review of the conference to come...
May 29, 2002
  Listing on New Zealand Directories...Your first stop when listing on New Zealand Directories is Nzsearch. Nzsearch provide a human edited directory that is designed to include only NZ sites. The sister site SearchNZ provides a NZ based crawler which is indexed only by sites deemed appropriate by the editorial team...
May 28, 2002
May 27, 2002
Content, Content and more Content...Having just received the Content Management Bible by Bob Bilko it will be interesting to see the latest thoughts from a leading expert in the field. With a mammoth 966 pages and plenty of detail, wading into the book should keep me occupied for a few days at least. A review on how useful I found the book to come...
May 24, 2002
  Registering a .com from New Zealand...The most reliable option would have to be (Internet Names Worldwide). INWW are a Melbourne based company who have an easy to use registration process and helpful support staff (speaking from experience). If you have previously attempted to contact US registrars such as or (now part of Verisign), you will know that the ability to pick up a phone and call someone who can help you quickly, can be the difference between having your site up and running on-time or missing that crucial deadline.
May 22, 2002
Who's searching where?Google may still be out ranked in the opinion of some by Yahoo but some of the latest data may suggest that 'Search Engine Hours' show Google firing clear above the rest. Find out more...
May 21, 2002
New Marketing Avenues...Looking for new ways to market on the web is one of the challenges faced by all online marketers. IM (Instant Messaging) adds a new dimension to online advertising but how do you target these audiences? Find out more...
May 20, 2002
Are you still listed on Looksmart?Looksmart recently changed over to a Cost-per-click basis. How does this affect your listings in Looksmart and what should you be doing to ensure your site is not taken off? Find out more...
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